
Do I Need A SIM Card For The Livestock GPS Tracker?

2023-08-24 17:52:11 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Livestock gps tracker is a device that utilizes Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to monitor and locate the position of cattle and sheep. If only locating cattle and sheep, the locator does not need to be inserted into a cell phone card (SIM card) to operate, as they locate the animal's position via GPS signals without the use of a mobile communication network. However, if real-time location tracking, geo-fencing alerts, etc. are required. It will be necessary to use a mobile communication network to transmit the data. So, the livestock gps tracker is required to install a cell phone card.


Livestock gps tracker


Why does the livestock gps tracker need to be equipped with a cell phone card? Installation of cell phone card can provide remote connection and communication function for cattle gps locator, making it more intelligent and practical. The reason of installing cell phone card for cow gps collar is mainly to realize the following functions:


1. Remote data transmission: professional cow gps collar needs to have real-time positioning and monitoring function, which can transmit data to the server or user's mobile device through mobile communication network. In this way, the breeder can check the location and status of the animals at any time. The cell phone card provides the ability to connect to the mobile network, enabling the device to upload data to the cloud or to the user's application.

2. Alarms and notifications: Professional livestock gps tracker are equipped with geo-fencing capabilities, which allow the device to send alerts to notify the farm personnel when an animal crosses a preset area. These alarms are usually sent via SMS or mobile app notifications, which require a cell phone card to send these notifications.

3. Remote control: Some locators have a remote control function that allows specific actions to be triggered via mobile apps or SMS commands, such as activating alarms, changing device settings, etc. These commands need to be sent over the cellular network. These commands need to be sent over the cellular network.

4. Integration services: Advanced cow gps collar may provide additional features such as health monitoring, behavior analysis, etc. These services require interaction with the server, so a mobile card is needed to enable communication with the server.


A cow gps collar with a cell phone card installed will be able to meet our functional requirements. Usually, the cell phone card in the sheep GPS locator is not built-in. A SIM card slot has been integrated inside the cattle and sheep locator. Users can insert the SIM card into it. This design is convenient for users. Of course, some locators do not require a SIM card to be installed. This is because the cow gps collar manufacturer has already soldered the SIM on the circuit board, which eliminates the need for the user to install the SIM card.