
How Do I Install A Pet Water Fountain?

2023-07-19 15:34:51 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Installing a pet waterfall drinking fountain is a straightforward process. Here is a step-by-step guide along with important considerations to ensure the correct installation and usage of the pet water dispenser:


Step 1: Preparation

1. Read the Manual: Before starting the installation, carefully read the manual of the pet waterfall drinking fountain. Different brands and models may have varying installation steps and requirements, so make sure you understand the specific instructions for installation.

2. Choose the Right Location: Select a stable and level surface to place the pet water dispenser, ensuring that it won't tip or wobble during use. Additionally, place the dispenser near an electrical outlet for easy power connection.


Step 2: Installation Preparation

1. Disassemble the Dispenser: If your pet waterfall drinking fountain requires assembly, follow the instructions to disassemble the components and ensure all parts are in good condition.

2. Clean the Parts: Clean all components before assembly. Use a mild detergent and clean water to wash and thoroughly rinse all parts, ensuring no impurities or residues remain.


Step 3: Assembly

1. Install the Filter: If your pet waterfall drinking fountain comes with a filter, follow the instructions to correctly install the filter in the designated position. Filters may be placed inside the water tank or near the water pump.

2. Connect the Water Pump: According to the manual, properly connect the cat fountain pump to the dispenser's water outlet. Ensure a secure connection to prevent any water leakage.

3. Install the Water Tank: Place the cleaned water tank in the designated position as per the instructions. Ensure a secure connection and stable placement on the dispenser.

4. Connect the Power Cord: Plug the pet water dispenser's power cord into an electrical outlet. Before this step, ensure all assembly steps are completed to avoid any accidents during power connection.


pet waterfall drinking fountain


Step 4: Testing and Adjustment

1. Fill the Water Tank: Open the water tank cover and pour clean water into the tank, making sure not to exceed the maximum water level.

2. Power-On Test: Plug in the power cord, switch on the power button of the pet waterfall drinking fountain, and observe if the water pump is working correctly without any leakage. In case of any abnormalities, immediately switch off the power and check for possible misinstallations or leaks.

3. Adjust the Water Flow: Based on your pet's preferences and drinking habits, adjust the water flow speed of the pump. Some pet water dispensers offer adjustable water flow settings, allowing you to select the suitable flow rate.


Step 5: Usage and Maintenance

1. Prioritize Hygiene: Regularly clean and disinfect the pet water dispenser to prevent bacterial growth. Follow the manual's recommendations for regular cat water filter replacement and cleaning of components.

2. Keep Water Supplied: Periodically check the water level in the dispenser's tank to ensure a constant water supply. Refill the tank promptly, ensuring your pet always has access to clean water.

3. Troubleshooting: In case of any malfunction, such as a non-working cat fountain pump or leakage, immediately switch off the power and conduct a thorough inspection. If unable to resolve the issue, contact customer service or seek professional technical support.


Pet Drinking Fountain Installation Video Tutorial:

cat water filter


Ensure that you carefully follow the instructions in the manual and the steps outlined above while installing the pet water dispenser. Proper installation and maintenance of the pet waterfall drinking fountain will provide your pet with clean, healthy drinking water, ensuring their well-being and happiness.