
New Industry Opportunities: Cattle Tracker In Smart Farming

2023-08-11 16:10:56 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

The inevitability of smart farming


With increasing global population and higher living standards, the demand for high-quality protein is on the rise. Livestock products like beef, pork, poultry, and dairy are major sources of protein. Ranchers are adopting information technologies for livestock management and monitoring. IOT, sensors, big data analytics, and AI are employed to enhance efficiency, animal health, and resource management. The livestock industry is undergoing transformation in various aspects, from sustainability to digitalization.


That's when smart farming was born out of necessity. The inevitability of smart farming stems from its capacity to tackle modern agricultural challenges and offer solutions that are more resource-efficient, environmentally-conscious, and innovative. Through smart farming, agriculture can achieve improved resource management, environmentally sustainable practices, and the ability to meet the growing demands for food.


Indispensable in smart farming is the localization of animals. It is necessary to track and monitor the location of animals in real time. Then there is a need to wear tracking and localization devices on the animals. Traditional gps animal tracker can not meet the demand because the pasture is large and the locator can not be recharged frequently. Only professional cow tracker equipped with solar panel can meet the demand.


The importance of professional cow tracker for smart farming


1. Animal Safety: Cow tracker help prevent animal loss, theft, or straying. If animals move beyond designated areas, locators provide alerts and tracking capabilities, aiding in locating or retrieving them.

2. Resource Management: By tracking animal locations and behaviors, professional cattle tracker assist in optimizing feed supply and resource utilization. This helps reduce feed wastage and ensures animals receive proper nutrition.

3. Enhanced Productivity: Through real-time monitoring and data analysis, professional cow tracker can enhance productivity. Farmers can better manage the animal production process, optimizing feed distribution, vaccine administration, etc.

4. Data-Driven Decision Making: The data collected by cattle tracker can be analyzed and reported, aiding farmers in making data-based decisions, thus enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of management choices.


cattle tracker


Professional cow tracker inject greater intelligence and sustainability into smart farming by offering features like real-time monitoring, data analysis, and decision support. They help farmers better manage and safeguard livestock resources, ultimately enhancing efficiency and production output in livestock farming. Therefore, professional cattle tracker will become the next new business opportunity.