
Pet Water Dispenser Material Evaluation Report

2023-06-26 17:04:13 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Pet water dispensers are designed to provide convenient access to clean and fresh water for pets. There are various materials available for large dog water fountain in the market. Today we introduce a few different materials of pet water fountains, and do a simple comparison. Distinguished by material is roughly divided into three categories: plastic pet water dispenser, stainless steel pet fountain and ceramic pet water dispenser.


A. Plastic pet water dispenser


Plastic is one of the most common materials used for pet water dispensers. It offers the following advantages:

1. Lightweight: Plastic water dispensers are usually lighter compared to other materials, making them easy to carry and place.

2. Durability: High-quality plastic water dispensers are durable and can withstand daily use by pets.

3. Easy to Clean: The smooth surface of plastic is not prone to dirt and is easy to clean and maintain.

4. Cost-effective: Plastic water dispensers are generally more affordable compared to other materials.


However, plastic materials also have potential drawbacks:

1. Safety Concerns: Some low-quality plastics may contain harmful substances, so it is important to choose food-grade, non-toxic plastics.

2. Potential Deformation: Low-quality plastic may deform, especially when exposed to high temperatures or sunlight.

3. Not Chew-resistant: Certain pets may chew on plastic water dispensers, leading to damage or contamination of the water source.


B. Stainless steel pet fountain


Stainless steel is commonly used in high-quality pet water dispensers. It offers the following advantages:

1. Durability: Stainless steel water dispensers are highly durable, resistant to rust, corrosion, and wear.

2. Safety: Food-grade stainless steel is a safe material that does not release harmful substances into the water.

3. Easy to Clean: The smooth surface of stainless steel is easy to clean and sanitize.

4. Stability: Stainless steel materials provide stability and are less likely to be tipped over by pets.


However, there are also some considerations for stainless steel water dispensers:

1. Weight: Stainless steel materials are relatively heavier, which may make them less portable or movable.

2. Higher Cost: Stainless steel water dispensers are generally more expensive compared to plastic ones.


C. Ceramic pet water dispenser


Ceramic material is known for its elegant appearance in pet water dispensers. It offers the following advantages:

1. Aesthetic Appeal: Ceramic water dispensers have a unique artistic texture that can blend well with home environments.

2. Safety: Ceramic is a natural material that does not release harmful substances into the water.

3. Easy to Clean: The smooth surface of ceramic is easy to clean and sanitize.


However, there are also some considerations for ceramic water dispensers:

1. Fragility: Ceramic is a fragile material and requires careful handling to avoid breakage.

2. Weight: Ceramic large dog water fountain are relatively heavy, which may make them less portable or movable.

3. Higher Cost: Ceramic water dispensers are generally more expensive compared to plastic ones.


pet water dispenser


Different materials for pet water dispensers have their own advantages and considerations. Plastic water dispensers are lightweight and durable but require careful selection of non-toxic plastic. The plastic used in the OMNI PETLIFE large dog water fountain is polypropylene, or PP for short. PP is non-toxic, odorless, heat resistant, and can be used in boiling water for long periods of time. PP plastic can withstand temperatures above 100°C and does not produce BPA at high temperatures, which is why many in the mother and baby industry and the restaurant industry prefer to use this material. OMNI PETLIFE large dog water fountain using food-grade harmless PP plastic can be safely used for pets. Stainless steel pet fountain are durable and safe but heavier. Ceramic water dispensers are aesthetically pleasing and safe but more fragile. When making a choice, consider factors such as the size and preferences of your pet, as well as personal preferences and budget, to select the most suitable material for your pet water dispenser.