
Rational Pet Water Fountain Design To Reduce The Risk Of Cat Acne

2023-09-04 15:05:55 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Recently a couple of friends have noticed that their cats have cat acne. All have a common trait: the cat's chin is often wet. They all had auto water dispenser for cats. We scrutinized the common characteristics of their cats. One conclusion was reached: the small cat drinking fountain they used were too high, causing their cats' chins to be wet after each drink. This increased the likelihood that the cats would develop cat acne.


Can small cat drinking fountain cause cat acne in cats?


Cat acne, also known as cat acne or cat face disease, is a common cat skin problem that usually appears on a cat's face, especially the chin area. It is an inflammation of the skin caused by clogged hair follicles, bacterial infections and overproduction of oil. Using a small cat drinking fountain to feed your cat will not cause your cat to get cat acne. The main cause of cat acne is a skin problem that may be related to the cat's diet, allergies, medications, environment or hygiene. However, a wet cat chin may increase the risk of cat acne because a wet environment may lead to more bacterial growth. So, if the cat water fountain is too high, the cat's chin touches the water when it drinks. A wet cat chin increases the risk of your cat getting cat acne. So choosing a well-designed pet water fountain will reduce the occurrence of wet cat chins.


auto water dispenser for cats


Suggestions for preventing or treating cat acne:


1. keep your cat on a healthy diet, which may involve avoiding excessively fatty foods.

2. clean and sanitize your cat's pet water fountain and automatic cat food feeder regularly. Choose a cat water fountain of the right height to minimize the appearance of wet cat chins.

3. check your cat's environment to ensure it is dry and clean to minimize the possibility of bacterial growth.

4. if cat acne is already present, consult your veterinarian, who can provide your cat with appropriate treatment, which may include topical or oral medications.


Rational pet water fountain design to reduce the risk of cat acne


Cat water fountains should be of moderate height so that cats can easily drink from the source without excessive bending or stretching of the neck. In general, the height of the water bowl or sink in a small cat drinking fountain should match the cat's mouth height. In general, a cat's mouth height is usually between 4 inches (about 10 centimeters) and 6 inches (about 15 centimeters), so the height of a cat water fountain's basin can be set within this range. This will ensure that cats can naturally drink with their heads down without too much effort. At the same time, being within this height will minimize the occurrence of cats having wet chins as a result of drinking.


small cat drinking fountain


With the OMNI PETLIFE small cat drinking fountain, the center of the water bowl has a height of 12 cm. This height is within the reasonable height range. At the same time, the automatic small cat drinking fountain is designed with a 15-degree incline. This enables the cat to drink water very easily. Cats do not need to bend over and stretch their necks. Use the OMNI PETLIFE auto water dispenser for cats to drink water. Cats can drink in a relaxed and comfortable position without wetting their chins. Reduces the risk of cats getting cat acne from wet chins. Choose the smart small cat drinking fountain to create a peace of mind, healthy and comfortable drinking environment for your cat.