
Why Do Cats Meow In The Morning? Pet Care Guide

2023-03-20 16:02:43 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Meow~meow~meow~, meow after meow echoes through your dark room. A furry shape jumps onto your bed and you feel a weight on your body. You struggle to open your eyes, a large face plate dislikes in front of your face, light up your phone to see the time, it's only 3am. You let out a weary sigh, oh god!


Constantly being woken up by a cat can affect the quality of your sleep. And when you don't get enough sleep, the whole day is exhausting. You can't concentrate, and your brain's ability to think and process information is reduced. Lack of sleep can have a serious impact on your life work and body. But why does your cat always wake you up in the early morning?


Why do cats meow in the morning?


Cats meow to get your attention. It's their way of talking to us. And there are a whole host of reasons why they want our attention: boredom, sickness, etc. But when cats meow early in the morning, there's one main reason. That's because they're hungry. Just like humans go straight to the fridge when they're hungry. Cats will come straight to you when they are hungry because to a cat, you are the one who provides the food.


This is the time when you can just give your cat some food and get them to be quiet again. However, this means we have to get up from bed at 3am, which is killing us. Is there a way to feed the cats and not have to leave our bed? The answer is automatic cat food dispenser.


timed cat feeder


Feeding pets with the OMNI PETLIFE timed cat feeder


Feed your cat with the timed cat feeder. We can set the precise time and amount of food to be dispensed. If your cat always feels hungry around 3am, we just need to set the food dispensing time at 3am. There will be no need to get up and feed your cat.


The timed cat feeder has a huge capacity of 5L. It can store a cat's food for 25 days. The timed cat feeder has a unique storage solution. Reduce the moisture in the air to come in contact with the cat food and keep it fresh and clean. Set an exclusive feeding schedule that supports regular feeding 1-8 times a day with up to 20 servings each time. We can record voice messages and voice call for feeding. Let cats eat in a familiar and comfortable environment. Also, the timed cat feeder supports APP control, so we can set, monitor and adjust the feeding time of the cat through the phone. If you don't want to leave the warmth of your nest, just open the APP and schedule a feeding for your cat. At any time, anywhere. Auto cat feeder is a good helper for intelligent feeding of pets.