
Do Cats Prefer A Pet Cat Water Fountain?

2023-09-07 16:54:20 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

We have found that cats have different preferences for drinking vessel. Most cats seem to prefer pet cat water fountain over traditional water bowls. Most cats prefer pet cat water fountain. So why do cats have this preference?


pet cat water fountain


There are several reasons why cats prefer pet cat water fountain:


Automatic cat drinking fountain inspire curiosity in cats. Cats have a strong sense of curiosity. Anything that moves can pique its interest. For example: spinning balls, constantly swinging cat teasers and running fake mice. These cat toys utilize the curiosity of cats when they are designed. Thus, they are liked by cats. Automatic cat drinking fountain, a machine that constantly bubbles water. Cats will be very interested in looking at the constant flow of water coming up. This is one of the reasons why most cats like pet water fountains.


Automatic cat drinking fountain fit the drinking habits of cats. When pet cat water fountain were designed, the product designers observed the drinking habits of cats. Cats usually prefer running water. This is because cats consider flowing water to be fresher than still water. Long ago, cats living in the wild got their water from streams. They would not drink from still water. This habit may have remained in the cat's genes. Automatic cat drinking fountain constantly circulate water. This constantly flowing water is perceived by cats as clean and drinkable. Of course, any water that has been filtered through a pet drinking fountain filter is clean. So, most cats prefer automatic cat drinking fountain, perhaps because they fit their drinking habits.


automatic cat drinking fountain


Pet cat water fountain do not cause cat whisker fatigue


Recently there has been a new term "whisker fatigue". Also known as "whisker stress" or "whisker exhaustion, whisker fatigue is a term used to describe the excessive tension or stress that cats may experience when their whiskers are subjected to a constant barrage of sensory stimulation. The term. Whiskers, or vibrissae, are highly sensitive tactile hairs located on a cat's face and other parts of their body. They play a crucial role in helping cats navigate their environment and detect changes in their surroundings. ;When a cat eats from a deep or narrow bowl, causing the whiskers to touch the side of the bowl, the constant stimulation can lead to sensory overload, making the cat nervous or irritable. This is called "whisker fatigue".


Can cat's favorite large cat fountain cause "whisker fatigue"? Large cat fountain do not cause whisker fatigue. The water bowl of a large cat fountain is generally designed to be wide and shallow. This ensures that your cat's whiskers do not touch the walls of the water bowl when drinking. During normal life, make sure your cat has enough room to move freely in the environment to avoid prolonged and intense play that can overstimulate their senses.


Most cats do like large cat fountain, it's in their nature. Pet cat water fountain are designed with cats' drinking habits in mind in the early stages of design. Also the water basin of the dispenser is wide and shallow and is not going to cause cat whisker fatigue.