
Does The Pet Feeder Still Work When It's Offline?

2023-08-01 17:09:57 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

When we use the pet feeder, we can't avoid the situation of bad internet. So when the pet feeder is disconnected from the internet, does it still work properly?


Pet feeder works fine when offline


Most small cat feeder can still work when offline, but their functionalities may be limited. Smart pet feeders usually require a connection to a Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth to receive instructions from the owner or enable remote monitoring. If the feeder loses its network connection, it will typically continue to execute the pre-set feeding schedule. In offline mode, the small cat feeder can automatically dispense food according to the pre-set timing and portion, but the owner won't be able to monitor or adjust the feeding plan through the smartphone app. During this time, the feeder will rely on its internal timer and settings to operate. Some advanced smart pet feeders may have certain offline working modes. For instance, they may have built-in backup feeding schedules to use in case of power or network failures. This way, even if the small cat feeder goes offline, the pet can still receive scheduled food supply.


However, when choosing a smart pet feeder, it is advisable to opt for a device that can handle brief offline periods to ensure that pets receive their food on time when the owner is away or there is a network disruption. Additionally, regular checks and maintenance of the feeder to ensure its proper functioning and network connectivity are essential measures to ensure the well-being of pets. Of course, we can set up a feeding schedule with the buttons on the small cat feeder.


Will the pet feeder still work when the power goes out?


If a dog food timed feeder loses power, it typically will not function. Pet feeders usually require a power source to automatically dispense food. Once the power is cut off, the feeder will lose its power supply and be unable to continue operating. Some pet feeders may come with backup power options, such as built-in batteries or slots for backup batteries, to address brief power outages. In such cases, when the main power source is interrupted, the backup power will supply electricity, allowing the feeder to continue working. However, the duration of backup power is limited and typically lasts only a few hours or less, depending on the feeder's design and battery capacity. The OMNI PETLIFE dog food timed feeder has a dual power system that can be powered by dry batteries. Guarantees a normal feeding schedule in the event of a power outage.


small cat feeder


When the pet feeder can't connect to the network, we can solve it by following the steps below:


1. Check Network Connection: Ensure that the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth network is functioning properly, and other devices can connect to it.

2. Verify Password: Double-check and enter the correct Wi-Fi password or Bluetooth pairing code.

3. Distance and Obstacles: Move the dog food timed feeder closer to the router or Bluetooth device and remove any obstacles that may interfere with signal transmission.

4. Restart Device: Try restarting the pet feeder; sometimes, a simple restart can resolve connection problems.

5. Update Firmware or App: Check if there are any available firmware updates or app updates for the dog food timed feeder. Timely updates may fix known issues.


If there are other problems encountered while using the pet feeder. We can go through “What can go wrong with a pet feeder? How to solve it?”against the corresponding problems to solve.