
Pet Care Tips: Why Do We Recommend Timed Quantitative Feeding?

2023-03-16 16:09:19 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

What is timed quantitative?


First, let's understand what "Timed Quantitative" means. For example, when feeding a cat. We can give food in three to four times, so we divide the day into three to four equal portions. Calculate the total amount of food and divide it into three equal portions. When feeding the cat for the first time, if the cat does not come to eat, take it away and give it again at the next meal. If the cat comes to eat but does not finish it, take away the rest and give it again at the next meal. When the cat comes and finishes the food every time it is given. We can adjust the amount of food given at each feeding according to how well the cat eats. The same is true for dogs, except that dogs are fed twice. This way it is raised to feed the pet at a fixed time with a fixed amount of food. Some may say once, twice is okay. It is hard to do when you are so busy at work. This time we can set the feeding time and feeding portion with the help of automatic pet food dispenser.


timed pet feeder


What are the benefits of timed and quantitative feeding?


Use the automatic pet food dispenser to feed your pet timed and quantitatively, you can control the amount of food your pet eats. If you put all the food at once and let the pet eat freely. It may happen that too much food is eaten in the early stage and not enough food in the late stage. At this time to increase the food, the total amount of food ingested by the pet is over. Pets eating too much food can easily lead to pet obesity. If not given, the pet may feel hungry. Pet owners do not tolerate it. Using the timed pet feeder to feed timed and quantitatively, the pet will not eat too much or too little. This will ensure normal gastrointestinal function.


Timed and quantitative feeding can reduce the pet's picky eating. Food is placed there and can be eaten at any time, then the pet may not care about the food and will have to be more and more picky eaters. Use the timed pet feeder to set the feeding time and portion size. The food comes at a fixed time, which can make the pet more eager to eat. At the same time, we can use the food desire to train and adjust the pet. If you want to train your cat , using a cat food dispenser to feed at timed quantitative can be helpful for this.