
What Should I Do Cat Does Not Drink Water?

2023-03-14 16:28:47 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Why do cats not like to drink water?


Many people in the process of raising cats find that cats do not drink water for a long time, or drink little water. So why do cats not like to drink water? First of all this is caused by their own physiological characteristics. Cats do not have a developed sense of thirst. In general, it is difficult for cats to feel thirsty. They will only respond when thirst reaches a certain level. Nowadays, cats are kept indoors and eat cat food, which is basically more lacking in water. Only the right amount of water can be supplemented to maintain your cat's health.


What happens when a cat is dehydrated?


Cats that drink too little water can develop bladder infections and can form urethral stones. Cats can experience the pain of urinary shutdown. So how much water do cats need to drink daily? A simple formula can be recommended. The amount of water a cat needs to drink per day is equal to their body weight (kg) *(40-50) milliliters. As an example, for a cat weighing about 5 kg, it needs 200-250 ml of water per day.


automatic water dispenser for cats


How do I get my cat to drink water?


Method one: Create flowing water. Cats prefer to drink from a flowing water source because flowing water can attract the attention and curiosity of cats. Still water is easy for cats to ignore. So now there are many automatic water dispenser for cats on the market. When powered on, it will circulate water, like a small fountain. This can effectively enhance the cat's desire to drink water. For example, the OMNI PETLIFE cat drinking fountain. Through the pump to lift the water, forming a flowing water column to provide fresh water.


Method two: Increase the number of drinking points. In addition to using the cat drinking fountain a drinking point, you can also put more water bowls in different parts of the house, so that cats can drink water wherever they go. Some cats also have high requirements for water quality, and water that has been left for too long will be dusty and of poor quality, which will make cats lose their desire to drink. So replace fresh water regularly and clean the water bowl. OMNI PETLIFE cat drinking fountain has a filtration system, so you don't have to worry about this problem.


cat drinking fountain


Also, the placement of cat drinking water fountain for feeding is important. Felines will take their food far away from the water to eat. To avoid bacterial contamination of food and water. Therefore, it is not recommended to use food bowls and water bowls connected together to feed cats. Cat drinking fountain with only a water bowl is fine. When the weather is cold, you can try to change the cold water for warm water for cats, and they may love it more. If after trying these methods cats still don't like water, you can switch to wet food or canned staple food to hydrate your cat.