
Why The Pet Locator Is Not Accurate?

2023-05-08 16:30:16 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

In the process of using pet locator, there will be inaccurate positioning. For example, we look for our pets based on the positioning shown by the mobile app. When we get to the location marked by the app, we find that the pet is not there. We look around and find that the pet is nearby. This kind of inaccurate positioning does not affect our use though. But still can't help wondering: why is the pet locator positioning inaccurate?


Pet locator positioning principle

Before understanding why the pet locator is not accurate, we need to know the principle of satellite dog tracker positioning first. The positioning technology of pet locator is mainly based on GPS positioning. The satellite signal is received through the built-in GPS receiver. Then the coordinate data is calculated. The full name of GPS is Global Positioning System (GPS), and in the 1970s, the United States began to develop a satellite navigation system. After 20 years of research and development and a cost of $20 billion, the satellite navigation system GPS was fully completed in 1994. By measuring the distance between the satellite and the receiver at different locations, the position of the receiver is determined. Pet locators are also receivers.


satellite dog tracker


Why are GPS satellite dog tracker inaccurate?

The GPS module has a positioning accuracy of 5 to 10 meters. This is the reason why GPS satellite dog tracker are not completely accurate. The GPS module positioning accuracy depends on many factors. For example, the GPS system's satellite clock and orbit difference, the number and distribution of GPS satellites, atmospheric influence, solar radiation, multipath effect etc. Also, the quality of antenna and feed line, antenna position and direction, test time period, weather and other reasons. These will make the satellite dog tracker GPS module produce different positioning errors. The PCB design will also have an impact on the positioning accuracy of the GPS module.


How to make the pet satellite dog tracker more accurate?

An effective way to make the pet locator more accurate is to improve the positioning accuracy of the GPS module. The use of new technologies can effectively improve the positioning accuracy of GPS locators. Many small pet gps tracker are starting to use dual-frequency GPS positioning technology. The dual-frequency GPS positioning technology can improve the positioning accuracy of the locator. Dual-frequency GPS can receive two frequency signals at the same time. This eliminates the influence of the ionosphere. This improves the positioning accuracy of the locator in an open environment. The accuracy of small pet gps tracker using dual-frequency GPS modules can reach 3-5 meters. Dual-frequency GPS positioning technology makes small pet gps tracker positioning more accurate.