
Do Cats Really Like To Drink Flowing Water?

2023-05-09 16:32:47 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Many of my friends have noticed: when they come home from work, their cats will go to the toilet or kitchen to drink water. I also have cats. When I turn on the tap to wash up, my cat will jump onto the sink. Licking the water that is still dripping from the faucet with her tongue. And, I sometimes find it in the bathroom. I was very worried about it drinking the water from the toilet. So I bought it a smart cat drinking fountain that creates flowing water. At the same time, I was very curious: do cats really like to drink flowing water? Or is this just an isolated case of my cat.


Cats like to drink flowing water

We can put 2 types of water in front of the cat: water from the cat bowl and water from the smart cat drinking fountain that flows. If the cat is given a choice, the flowing water is more interesting to it. This shows that the cat prefers the flowing water. However, this does not show that the cat likes to drink flowing water. It's the flowing water that gets the cat's attention more. Cats have the habit of chasing moving objects. They have an extremely high level of curiosity. When a smart cat drinking fountain gushes out flowing water, this flowing column of water will get the cat's attention. Cats will use their paws to catch the water coming out of the smart cat drinking fountain. They will play with the water, sniffing, scratching and licking it. It will drink the water without realizing it. So flowing water can get your cat's attention and prompt it to drink. If your cat is not a water drinker, perhaps try using a smart cat drinking fountain to arouse your cat's curiosity. Increase the amount of water your cat drinks.


What do we need to know when using a pet water fountain?

Use a automatic cat water feeder to create flowing water and arouse your cat's interest in drinking. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a automatic cat water feeder. The water bowl needs to be larger and the spout needs to be at a certain height. When the water bowl is too small, the cat's drinking whiskers will touch the water. This is what cats do not like. Because this will bring stress and stimulation to the cat. It may lead to "whisker fatigue". The cat's whiskers frequently touch other objects to produce a stressful state. This state can lead to stress and irritation. Cats want to get rid of this state, so they will not drink water. So when choosing a automatic cat water feeder. We need to choose the one with the larger water bowl.


automatic cat water feeder


Change the water in the pet water fountain regularly

The purpose of automatic cat water feeder is to interest cats in drinking water. It is not to make us more lazy. We need to change the water regularly and clean it regularly. Cats have a very sensitive sense of smell. A cat's sense of smell is more than 200,000 times more sensitive than that of a human. There are about 99 million nerve endings in the nasal mucosa of cats. Cats can clearly distinguish the freshness of water. So change the water regularly to keep it fresh. Cats will love to drink it.